True Freedom, Indeed! | John 8:31-36 Bible Study (Slideshow+)

True Freedom, Indeed! | John 8:31-36 Bible Study (Slideshow+)

May 16, 2019 @DannyScottonJr 0

Research suggests that the modern conception of freedom — our most cherished value — is almost purely negative (i.e., freedom *from* constraints). The Truth of Jesus gives (negative) freedom *from* sin and (positive) freedom *to* fulfill our original purpose — right relationship with God. Though our culture often co-opts His words, His is the Truth that truly “will set you free.”

Royal Family Resemblance: Salt & Light (Mt 5:13-16 Sermon Text)

Royal Family Resemblance: Salt & Light (Mt 5:13-16 Sermon Text)

May 4, 2019 @DannyScottonJr 0

We cannot conform to our culture; We have to be distinct, set apart — holy. In doing so, we will be the salt of the earth that prevents moral decay and adds Christian flavor. And we’ll be the light of the world that dispels darkness and attracts others to the light of Christ — bringing glory to our Heavenly Father, the King