First shared during the 4.2.23 Alpha Baptist Church Palm Sunday service. First posted 4.4.23
The King has come. Will you come to the King?
He may not have come the way you expected. He may not have come how you would’ve selected.
He likely doesn’t perfectly fit your hopes for the nation, nor your personal dreams and aspirations.
But will you respect Christ or reject Christ?
Will we try to preserve our life with our own hands – or put it in the Master’s palms?
Let’s not misunderstand the mission of the Messiah. Let’s not minimize the Commission of the Christ.
The world will hate us (Jn 15:18f.), but we have to keep testifying about the signs of the Savior (Jn 12:17-18) – our Death-Defying Deliverer.
On a colt of a donkey (Jn 12:14-15; cf. Zec 9:9-10), the conqueror of death (Jn 12:9; cf. Jn 11:38-44) comes to die to conquer death for the whole world (Jn 3:16f.; Jn 11:49f.; etc.).
The King (Jn 12:13; cf. Zeph 3:15-16) of the World comes humbly as the Prince of Peace.
Christ rides to die; Christians should be ride-or-die.
Some are glad about it (Jn 12:12-13), others are mad about it (Jn 12:10-11, 19).
What about you?
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