Out of This World: The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God [Video]

As we have argued, if there is no God, there is ultimately, no meaning, value, or purpose in life. There is also no logical foundation for belief in universal human rights or equality. “Does God exist?” is perhaps the most important question in life.

One of the most popular arguments against theism (i.e., belief in God) is that there simply is no evidence. So, by providing compelling evidence — whether skeptics agree with it or not — one can neutralize this objection.

Below is a brief presentation of one of the strongest evidences for the existence of God, the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Dr. William Lane Craig (who writes about this argument in On Guard) wrote a dissertation on this argument, which he often employs against skeptics of various stripes in various debates in universities and conferences around the globe.

What follows is the text from a previous Facebook post based on his presentation of the argument, after Dr. Craig’s animated video.

The Kalam Cosmological Argument (Video)

Before one might consider if there is a god that has different moral values than oneself, one has to first consider if it is reasonable to believe that there may be a god at all.

Natural theology endeavors to give reasons for the existence of God using arguments outside of texts that are claimed to be divinely inspired. In discussions, it just may not be fruitful to quote a text that others do not consider to be valid.

But there are several arguments from natural theology that, cumulatively, provide plausible reasons to believe in a god. The cosmological argument is one of the most popular:

Premise 1: Whatever begins to exist has a cause
Premise 2: The universe began to exist
Therefore: the universe has a cause.

If the first two premises are true, then it logically follows that the conclusion is true. If the conclusion is true, it appears to provide good reasons to believe that a powerful cause outside of our finite universe’s time and space caused it to come into being.

Others might add that the cause is personal. This is because the cause has apparently stopped doing whatever the cause did to cause the universe to come into being some 14 billion years ago. Like making a personal decision to turn off a faucet.

In the future, I hope to post more about potential objections to this argument, as well as additional arguments from natural theology. Cumulatively, the positive evidence for belief in God, Jesus Christ, and the reliability of the New Testament comprises a strong, if not overwhelming, case for Christianity.

About @DannyScottonJr 488 Articles
Imperfect Servant ✝?⛪ | Husband | Princeton U. Alum | M. Div. | Assistant (to the) Pastor | Sound Doctrine & Apologetics @catchforchrist