Foundational: Theology & Philosophy

Foundational: Theology & Philosophy

August 8, 2018 @DannyScottonJr 0

“Truth,” “Justice,” “Right,” Wrong,” “Success.” Can’t we see how people can use these same key terms but have different definitions? I suspect conversations about controversial issues would be a bit easier if our conceptions of such key terms did not contradict. Perhaps unbeknownst to us, our disagreement often runs much deeper.

True Freedom, Indeed | John 8:31-36 [Sermon Text & Audio]

True Freedom, Indeed | John 8:31-36 [Sermon Text & Audio]

July 9, 2018 @DannyScottonJr 0

Research suggests that the modern conception of freedom — our most cherished virtue — is almost purely negative (i.e., freedom *from* constraints). The Truth of Jesus gives freedom *from* (negative freedom) our rebellious nature and freedom *to* (positive freedom) fulfill our original purpose — right relationship with God. Though our culture often co-opts His words, His is the Truth that truly “will set you free.”