“Facts: Faith’s Firm Foundation (Part II)” | 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 Bible Study

If Christ has not been raised our proclamation is without foundation (1 Cor 15:14, HCSB). If Jesus did not rise from the dead, the Christian faith is worthless (1 Cor 15:17, HCSB)

When some were doubting the resurrection of the dead, Paul reminds the members of the church in Corinth that he founded about the facts:

Christ died for our sins — according to the Scriptures. Christ was buried. Christ was raised on the third day — according to the Scriptures.

And, Christ appeared to many witnesses: Peter, the Twelve, over 500 at the same time, James (his formerly skeptical half-brother) and Paul (the former persecutor) last of all.

Paul uses both subjective and objective evidence to address their doubts. And after considering the objective historical evidence that modern scholars of all stripes agree upon, the best explanation of the “minimal facts” is that Christ indeed was raised from the dead.

Many reject this not only because this would turn their world(view) upside down, but also because many are prejudiced against miracles.

Yet, if God created this incredibly vast, incredibly complex universe out of nothing, raising one person from the dead is small potatoes.

This world is ever-changing, but the facts of what Christ did on the cross are never changing. On Christ the Solid Rock let’s stand; all other ground is sinking sand.

Click here for Part I of this study.

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About @DannyScottonJr 472 Articles
Imperfect Servant ✝?⛪ | Husband | Princeton U. Alum | M. Div. | Assistant (to the) Pastor | Sound Doctrine & Apologetics @catchforchrist