“The Christmas Miracle: Nothing Is Impossible With God!” | Luke 1:34-38 Bible Study


Now, this time of year, many shows and movies and stories will feature a so-called “Christmas Miracle”.[1]

It seems like everything is going wrong for the main character. But then something suddenly happens that turns everything around —  just in time for the holiday.

Then the hero of the story is able to get into the so-called “Christmas spirit”, which the world will water down to mean vague qualities like cheer, gratitude, and peace… love, joy, and generosity.

Well, my brothers and sisters, those things sound nice, but the true “Christmas Spirit” is the Holy Spirit. And the true Christmas Miracle is the birth of Christ to a virgin.

So this holy day season, let’s always remember that Christmas begins with Christ – the Son of God.

And if we wonder how the Christmas Miracle can be possible; let’s remember that nothing is impossible with God (Lk 1:37).

[1] https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChristmasMiracle





Crossword Puzzle (✞-word)

Crossword Puzzle Answers

  • Virgin The true Christmas Miracle is the birth of Jesus to a ____ (Lk 1:27, 34).
  • Know To ___ someone in a biblical sense often entails an intimate, personal relationship (Lk 1:34; Lk 1:34, KJV; Gen 4:1, ESV; Gen 4:1, HCSB; cf. Mt 7:21-23; 1 Jn 2:3-4).
  • Comes Upon (Two words) When the Spirit of the Lord ___ ___ someone, He brings productive power (Ac 1:8; cf. Is 32:15 LXX).
  • Overshadows The Holy Spirit ___ Mary, not unlike how the Shekinah glory of the LORD ___ the tabernacle in a cloud (Ex 40:35-38).
  • Son of God (Three words) The holy baby who was born to Mary, Jesus the Christ, would be called the ___ __ ___ (Lk 1:35) by the Divine (Lk 3:21-22; 9:34-35), the demonic (Lk 4:41, 8:28), and the devoted (Ac 9:20; 2 Cor 1:19; Gal 2:20; Eph 4:13; Heb 4:14, etc.).
  • Pro The God of creation is also the God of ___creation (Lk 1:35; Genesis 1-2; Jer 32:17, etc.).
  • Elizabeth This relative of Mary was miraculously enabled to conceive in her old age (Lk 1:36), serving as pregnant proof that the angelic proclamation will come to pass.
  • Impossible Likely echoing the words that the angels (Heb 13:2) proclaim to Abraham and Sarah (Gen 18:1-15), Gabriel says that no-thing is ___ with God (Lk 1:37, NRSV; cf. Gen 18:14; Jer 32:17, 26-27).
  • Laughs When the angel tells them that they will miraculously conceive, Sarah ____ (Gen 18:12-15), but Mary is loyal (Lk 1:38).
  • Samuel Like ___, Mary’s response (“Behold” or “here I am”) indicates that she is ready and willing to serve (Lk 1:38, ESV; Lk 1:38, NRSV; cf. 1 Sam 3:4, 6, 8).
  • Hannah Like ___, the mother of Samuel, Mary declares that she is a servant (lit. slave) of the LORD (Lk 1:38; cf. 1 Sam 1:10-11).
  • Zechariah After hearing their respective prophetic, angelic, pregnancy announcements, ___ hems and haws (Lk 1:18f.), but Mary shows no hints of hesitation (Lk 1:38).




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