“Fall-o-ween Jesus” | Mark 1:16-20 Bible Study

First shared on 11.2.22. Much of this material is from a previous Mark 1:14-20 Bible Study.


I know we just had Halloween. But, no matter the season, we should make sure we’re Fall-o-ween Jesus.

And Fall-o-ween Jesus entails fishin in Christian missions.


Now, have you ever found yourself driving the wrong way on a one-way street?

I wish I could say I’ve only done it once. I got that sinking feeling like, “Why are all the parked cars on both sides of the road facing the same direction?”

Now, as we know, if you drive the wrong way on a one-way street, you’re in danger. It’s only a matter of time. As soon as possible, you have to make a U turn, and start going the right way.

Well, my brothers and sisters, salvation from sin is a one-way street. Jesus Christ is the only way. So if you’re driving the wrong way in life, you’re in danger. It’s only a matter of time.

As soon as possible – you have to make a U turn – and start going the right way.

Metaphorically, we could say that the U turn is repentance. And continually cruising on the course of Christ is faith(fulness). And Christ the King commands everyone to repent and believe in (i.e., exercise faith in) the Gospel.

Now, from the outset of this gospel, Mark’s readers are told that this is:

[The] beginning of the Gospel [(Good News)] of Jesus Christ [(Messiah)], Son of God – (Mk 1:1, AT)

Then, we read how John the Baptist prepares the way for the Lord Jesus, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies (Mk 1:2-8). And, after Jesus is baptized by John (Mk 1:9-11) and is tempted in the wilderness by Satan (Mk 1:12-13), in Mark 1:14-15 it says:

14 Now after John was handed over [to be arrested], Jesus went into Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God and saying: “The [appointed] time has been fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe in the Gospel!” (Mk 1:14-15, AT)

Now there are many different ways of spreading the Gospel – the Good News. But at the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus essentially says: The King has come; come to the King. The Kingdom of God has come near, so come near to the King – in repentance and faith.

Now, as we’ve studied before, the Kingdom/Reign of God is here already but not yet fully consummated.  And the Kingdom has come because the King (Jesus) has come.1

And the call of the King’s first disciples exemplifies how people should respond to Christ’s command to repent and believe (cf. Mk 1:15).2

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11-2-22 No Pictures Bible Study Slides Mark 1_16-20


In conclusion, because the appointed time has come and the Kingdom/Reign of God is now inbreaking, people must repent and believe in the Gospel.3

Jesus announces the authoritative divine summons, and the disciples exemplify the appropriate human response.4 Christ the Redeemer requires radical commitment – “radical obedience”,5repentance and faith.

Negatively, we must repent – turning away from sin, one’s former way of life,6 and anything that comes between us and God (including our finances and family) (note the escalation).7

Positively, we must believe. That is, we must be faithful and loyal to Christ wholeheartedly8 – becoming fishers of people9 (2 by 2) (cf. Mk 6:7).10

As it’s been said, “A radical announcement requires a radical and total response. All prior claims on a person lose their urgency”.11

Those whom Christ catches must leave their past and be completely committed to Christ.12

Truly dedicated disciples are not just Twitter followers who read a few of His words every once in a while… nor just Facebook fans who sometimes scroll through His good news feed… but people who feed others the Good News!

Those who have had their hearts pricked by the preaching of the Prince of Peace should therefore proclaim the inbreaking Kingdom of God – and the subsequent necessity of “radical repentance”13(cf. Mk 3:14-15,6:7-13, 30).14

Once we’ve been fished into the faith, we should try to fish others. And those who have been caught by Christ should try to catch others.

Once we’ve been hooked by the Holy One, we should try to get somebody else a heavenly hook-up. And those who have submitted to the summons of the Savior should seek to persuade others to surrender.

After disciples are summoned by the Savior, they submit to the Savior, and they are sent by the Savior. We should do the same.

We are witnesses of the Waymaker. Heralds of the Holy One. Couriers for Christ. We are the Master’s mouthpieces and messengers – authorized by the Almighty.

And only Jesus the Christ, the Son of God (Mk 1:1) has the authority to make such a totalitarian call to discipleship.15 For only Jesus sacrificed Himself for our redemption (Mk 10:45, 14:22-25).16 And we should respond to His amazing grace with amazing faith(fulness).

I know we just had Halloween. But let’s all make sure we’re Fall-o-ween Jesus. And, go fish!

May the LORD bless you and keep you.

Additional Sources Cited

  • Carson, D. A. “Matthew.” In The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Matthew–Mark (Revised Edition), edited by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, Vol. 9. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010.
  • Motyer, J. A. “Amos.” In New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, edited by D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, and G. J. Wenham, 4th ed., 792–808. Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994.


  1. Strauss, 85
  2. Keener, 130; Bock, 411; Kernaghan, 45; Cole, 113; Garland, 69; Guelich, 52; cf. Lane, 68
  3. cf. Lane, 68
  4. English, 53
  5. Lane, 69
  6. Kernaghan, 45; Guelich, 52; Strauss, 85
  7. Stein, 80; Guelich, 52
  8. cf. Kernaghan, 45
  9. Stein, 80
  10. Guelich, 52
  11. Witherington, 86 cf. Lane, 68; Lane, 69
  12. Witherington, 85
  13. Lane, 68
  14. Stein, 78
  15. Stein, 81; Strauss, 85; Schnabel, 53
  16. Stein, 81; cf. Strauss, 85
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Imperfect Servant ✝?⛪ | Husband | Princeton U. Alum | M. Div. | Assistant (to the) Pastor | Sound Doctrine & Apologetics @catchforchrist