"What Are You Getting Christ for Christmas?" | Matthew 2:1-12 Bible Study

“What Are You Getting Christ for Christmas?” | Matthew 2:1-12 Bible Study

December 28, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

Herod was unwilling give up his throne. Are we unwilling to give Jesus the throne of our lives? The Magi brought Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh – gifts fit for a king. This Christmas, what will we bring Jesus?
We often ask, “What do you want for Christmas?” But a better question is, “what does Christ want from you?” This Christmas, the question shouldn’t be, “What are we getting for Christmas?”, but “What are we getting Christ for Christmas?”

"Let the Christmas Spirit Get Into You" | Matthew 1:22-25 Bible Study

“Let the Christmas Spirit Get Into You” | Matthew 1:22-25 Bible Study

December 18, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

Jesus is Immanuel — “God With Us”. In light of the with-ness of the Divine, we should be a witness for the Divine. The greatest of all Christmas presents was the Presence of Christ – Christ who is still with us, through the Holy Spirit. This Christmas, let’s not focus on worldly ways of “getting in the Christmas Spirit”, let’s focus on letting the true Christmas Spirit get into us!

"The Genesis of Jesus -- Savior From Sin" | Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study

“The Genesis of Jesus — Savior From Sin” | Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study

December 11, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

As His Name “Jesus” (Jesus –> Joshua, “YHWH saves” / “The LORD saves”) suggests, Matthew makes it clear that the prophesied Messiah who was to be a son of David has arrived for the salvation of His people. But not in the way the Jews expected – not salvation from political oppression, but from our spiritual transgressions.  Not freedom from Caesar, but freedom from sin.

"Get Ready For Christmas; Celebrate the Presence" | Luke 1:5-17 Bible Study

“Get Ready For Christmas; Celebrate the Presence” | Luke 1:5-17 Bible Study

December 7, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

John the Baptist serves as a transitional bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. His purpose is to prepare the way for the Lord, to prepare God’s people for God’s Presence. My brothers and sisters, are we ready for Christmas? Are we prepared for the Lord? Are we ready to follow the Way or are we still going our own way? We may have prepared our homes for company, but have we prepared our hearts for Christ? Let’s not merely celebrate the presents under the tree, but the Presence of the Lord. Who came and dwelled among us.

"Thanks-living" | Colossians 3:12-17 Sermon

“Thanks-living” | Colossians 3:12-17 Sermon

December 3, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

How can we properly give thanks, to the One who gave us everything? How can you possibly repay someone who saved your life? The best way to give thankfully to Christ is to live thankfully for Christ. During this season of Thanksgiving, let’s focus on the reason for Thanksliving.

"Life: Use Only As Directed" (Part II) | Psalm 1:3-6 Bible Study

“Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part II) | Psalm 1:3-6 Bible Study

December 3, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

We Americans love to be independent. Our Declaration of Independence tells us we have the divine right of “the pursuit of happiness”. But we really have the divine requirement of the pursuit of holiness. True happiness entails rejecting the ways of the wicked and accepting the way of the Waymaker — not living life according to our own selections, but according to God’s directions.