First streamed on 3.29.23. First posted on 3.30.23.
In some of the last words of Christ on the cross, the Savior of the whole world ensures that His mother will be cared for (Jn 19:25-27).
As we proclaim the Gospel of salvation, may we also remember to care for our loved ones.
Fulfilling Old Testament Scripture, Jesus expresses His thirst (Jn 19:28; cf. Ps 22:15f.; Ps 69:3, 21).
Like Jesus, may we also be hungry and thirsty to do the will of the Father (cf. Jn 4:34; Jn 18:11).
And, thanks be to God, Christ — our Passover Lamb (1 Cor 5:7; Jn 1:29, 19:14f; also Jn 19:29; cf. Ex 12:22 and Jn 19:33, 36; cf. Ex 12:5, 46) — says “It is finished” (Jn 19:30).
With His voluntary self-sacrifice, the cost for our moral crimes Has been paid. The work of redemption is done!
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Live Stream Recording
*There were some green screen issues during this stream. These issues were corrected in the edited version above*
*Also, the thumbnail should say John 19:25-30*
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Bible Study Slideshow
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3-29-23 Bible Study Slides John 19_25-30
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