First streamed on 4.19.23. First posted on 4.25.23. Also see the previous sermon on this passage.
On one level, this account of the Master miraculously making this meal for the multitude demonstrates Christ’s command over all-creation. This passage displays His power.
That said, the miraculous Feeding of the Five Thousand (+) (see Mt 14:21; cf. Ex 12:37) is a symbol of Communion, a meal that’s shared between those who are committed to Christ (Mt 14:19; cf. Mt 26:26).
It’s also a foretaste of the everlasting heavenly banquet, the great wedding between Christ and His church at the consummation of the Kingdom of God (Mt 14:19; cf. Mt 8:11, 22:1-2; Is 25:6, etc.).
Furthermore, Jesus is the Bread of Life that gives life to the world — and true satisfaction to those who seek to be saved (Jn 6:32-35). Christ’s followers are filled.
Some act like they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread.
But let’s act right, because the greatest thing is Christ’s bread.
Food for thought: Give people something to eat!
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4-19-23 Bible Study Slides Matthew 14_13-21
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