First streamed on 4.26.23. First posted on 5.2.23. Also see the previous sermon on Matthew 14:22-33.
When spreading the Gospel, we’ll likely find ourselves on stormy seas. And, let’s not act like the Lord won’t lead us right into storms (Mt 14:23f.).
The question is, how will we react in the storms?
The boat of the church may be being battered by the waves of this world, tormented by the torrents of secular seas.
But we still have to walk in the authority of the Author and Finisher of our Faith (cf. Heb 12:2).
For we are a part of Christ’s everlasting spiritual movement, over which the gates of Hell shall not prevail (Mt 16:18). And the Waymaker can make a way on the waves.
The wind and the waters obey Him! Why don’t we?
When we recognize Christ’s powerful works, we should follow Christ’s powerful words.
Yet, simply stepping out on faith – that is, faithful obedience – is not sufficient. Once we confess that Jesus is Lord, we must take the appropriate next steps – and persist on the path.
Let’s not focus on our situation more than our Savior (cf. Mt 14:30). Circumstances change; currents ebb and flow.
But Christ is consistent. And, He deserves out consistent commitment.
Let’s decide to follow Jesus and then be determined to follow Jesus. If we’ve started the Christian walk, let’s finish and finish well.
Like the Prince of Peace, let’s not give in to peer pressure. Let’s follow the orders of the One who orders our steps.
Let’s not have small faith (cf. Mt 14:31); let’s have that “I Surrender All”-faith.
The Lord made the waves, let’s not be afraid to make some waves for the Lord.
Don’t Waver With The One Who Walks On Waves!
For when it comes to Christ, this world has lots of hollow-views But we gotta be full of faith, not filled with hollow-news Even if the waters look like they might swallow-you Resolve to follow Jesus, and commit to follow-through
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