"Good Seed. Good Ground?" | Matthew 13:1-23 Sermon

“Good Seed. Good Ground?” | Matthew 13:1-23 Sermon

September 30, 2020 @DannyScottonJr 0

The Gospel is always good seed. But it doesn’t always fall on good ground. In the Parable of the Sower (a.k.a. the Parable of the Four Soils), Jesus explains four different reactions to His message: (1) Hard-Hearted Hearers, (2) Fairweather “Fans”, (3) Backburner “Believers”, and (4) Fruitful Followers

Lost & Found | Luke 15:11-32 Sermon (Parable of the Prodigal Son) [Video, Text+]

Lost & Found | Luke 15:11-32 Sermon (Parable of the Prodigal Son) [Video, Text+]

August 11, 2019 @DannyScottonJr 0

God’s grace is so amazing because, like the younger son, we don’t deserve it. We have all sinned and separate ourselves from God. And we cannot earn our reconciliation back to God simply by doing what we should have been doing in the first place. We need grace – unmerited, undeserved favor. We need grace that says: no matter what you’ve done, no matter how far you have fallen, no matter how many mistakes you have made, if you turn back to your Heavenly Father, He is not only waiting for you, He will run out to greet you, to throw His arms around you, and to kiss you tenderly as His child.